February 7, 2008

They can have my Geiger Counter when they pry it from my glowing hand

OK, NYC has it’s reasons to be a little careful but Richard Falkenrath, the NYPD’s deputy commissioner for counterterrorism may be just a little bit too careful. As the Village Voice reports that the city is just a little worried that the good citizens might just report too many false alarms. If you read through the comments, a couple of people had the same thought I had. Smoke alarms give false alarms very,

DIY Solar Refrigerator Water Heater

  With millions of people’s wallets being drained by household appliances and heating/cooling, energy saving mods are very popular these days. Mother Earth News .com and Miles Free elaborated with each other to develop a cheap but very awesome household mod.   "So the boys pulled the liner out of the Hotpoint’s door and replaced it with the heat exchanger. Then a couple of holes were drilled through one end

Sacramento Police Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Program Gaining Altitude

  If you are in the Sacramento area in the near future you may be looking up wondering what that buzzing noise is. Sacramento will be getting a new eye in the sky to help out law enforcement. Not sure how well it will be received, I can just imagine this thing crashing into a crowd of people buying a hot dog at an outdoor vendor. "The Sacramento, Calif., Police