June 2008

150 mph British Steam Car

  I have been thinking about ways of reducing my fuel expenses due to the increasing gas cost. If this 150 mph British Steam Car could be converted from liquid petroleum to french fry grease we might just have my next vehicle pick. "Burning liquid petroleum gas at 750° F to pressurize that 360-hp Curtis turbine, the 25-ft.-long Steam Car can turn 10.5 gallons of water a minute into some

Iron Man Repulsor Light

  I haven’t seen Iron Man yet but it is on my list of movies I want to see. Looks like there are lots of gadgets in the film, including this Iron Man Repulsor Light made by Carlitos’ Contraptions. "Objective To build a very powerful LED flashlight mounted on my hand palm that would turn on and produce brighter light as I move my hand back (and the angle between

Camouflage Satellite Dish

  You pass some of the large apartment buildings that look nice but they have dozens of unsightly satalite dishes hanging from the side. This Camouflage Satellite Dish system by Sqish looks like a great solution. "What is it? The Sqish is a quirky contemporary alternative to a satellite dish. What does it do? The Sqish can can be aimed at mid and high powered satellites including Astra, Hotbird and

Paintball Sentry Gun

  Do you live in a rough neighborhood? Instead of getting a dog for you backyard have a look at this Paintball Sentry Gun (http://www.paintballsentry.com). When you go out for the day just turn it on and you will be totally protected. When you return you will probably have to escort a few kids out from behind your tree where they took cover but that is a small price to

Pan Tilt Airsoft Gun Mod

  This Pan Tilt Airsoft Gun Mod lets you make your standard Airsoft Gun into a computer controlled unit! "The robot airsoft kit brings together a simple pan/tilt servo setup with an automatic airsoft gun. Everything is controlled from your computer’s serial port. Attaching a camera allows you to have completely autonomous control of the gun, which makes it an ideal platform to enter the Defcon Robot Contest or the

Magnetic Money Clip using a Dollar Bill

  Here is a simple hack that gives you a cool looking clip for your money. You should be able to make it for a few dollars if you can find a few slim magnets. "A real dollar bill adapted to form a magnetic money clip. – Same size and feel as the cash it holds. – No clutter. – Use the money clip as currency when low on cash.