Harness Insect Flight and Vision Electronically

DARPA is funding some fantastic research but being able to Harness Insect Flight and Vision Electronically is a concept that is far out. The goal is lofty but based on the research results they have achieved to date I think their plans are attainable.

"DARPA’s goal is to create cyborg insects that can fly at least 100 metres from their controller and land within 5 metres of a target, then stay put until commanded to buzz off again. How the insects will be guided to a target is yet another unresolved problem. "There were a bunch of ideas," says Charles Higgins at the University of Arizona, who was involved in DARPA’s original brainstorming session for the HI-MEMS project. One was to use radio control to guide the moth, though that would mean emitting radio signals, which could be detected by the enemy. A second was to use GPS signals to guide the insect to its goal, and a third was to point the moth in the right direction and send it off with a pre-programmed series of instructions – for example, fly straight for 50 metres, then circle."

Thanks computerdork.



  1. Do cyborg insect robots not terrify anyone else? Oh well, at least they’re not using spiders.

  2. Sure, it’s “just” a moth, but still.. Something tells me this little creature may be in constant pain. Bah! And no, I’m not a little treehugger. I’m no veggie. I eat steak.
    This is just cruel.

  3. Well brains have no pain receprots so theoreticaly it should not hurt.But still seams a bit cruel.

  4. About as cruel as breeding cattle for eating as far as I’m concerned.

  5. I’m glad i’m not the only one to mention this. I love the idea of being able to incorporate living organisms and electronics, however i’m not really big on animal testing in any way. They should further develop it and look for human volunteers.

  6. free the moths!!!!

  7. i think controlling other leaving organisms which have brains no meter what size is bed thing to do. but other way when you are testing small brain it is more easier to understand how big brain works. after 100ts such projects i think we will going to be able to fully explore humans brain

    i think it is a good start

  8. I take it that this isn’t a DIY project?

  9. Oh for the love of… It’s a moth people. FFS, we have to test on SOMETHING or else we just sit around and theorize all day.

    To make an omelette, you have to break a few eggs. Tired line, but true.

  10. WOW… this is a moth.. and insect.. the same insect you would kill with a newspaper or bug spray… test away!!!… these things must be done to advance…


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