LED Firefly version 2


There is a new version of the Firefly that was featured yesterday. The new version was built on a manufactured PCB and looks very good! Full build details are provided.

"Each firefly has a value that stands for the power to flash. This value rises over time. If the power reaches a certain limit, the firefly flashes and the power is reset to zero. If the firefly detects another flash nearby, it increases the power by a small boost value. That way it will flash slightly earlier than last time. Doing so over and over again may lead to all fireflies flashing in sync."

Thanks to the Alex pointing out that a new version was available.




  1. That LED Filefry loogs amazing……..what does it do ?

  2. What’s that? and what is it used for?

  3. They are just a cool electronic gadget that can see the other lights around them and in time will sync.

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