Image Tracking – Discovery Channel Prototype This Show


Keep October 15th open, the first episode of a new Discovery Channel show called Prototype This will air. This looks to be a great show that will show us the inner workings of some very cool projects. Doesn’t look like any of the ideas will be simplistic. I think the show will spark creativity in many of us as they delve into their inner thoughts. This video seems to be a sneak peak into episode number 2 where they look into image tracking, I can think of tons of cool applications for this technology. You may recognize one of the cast members, none other than Joe Grand is a part of the show. You may remember Joe as the Defcon 16 badge creator. I hope they keep with the open /hacker theme of the show and provide code and design details of their creations.

"In a warehouse on an island in San Francisco Bay, a team of engineers and PhD’s are inventing the future one prototype at a time. From finding solutions to today’s problems, to conceiving cool machines that are just fun to have around, the Prototype This crew imagines and then invents the future by using emerging technologies to build the craziest, one-of-a-kind prototypes of tomorrow."


  1. Hey, image tracking isn’t new, and there’s an open-source software around which could do the very same.

    Still, the idea of commanding the motion of the maze with the motion of the gliph is pretty cool.

    Cheers, and sorry for my rather bad english.

  2. This is what makes Discovery Channel great. I really feel it has gone downhill over a few years, jam packed with realitity shows, its great to see some new ideas and the revival of construction docos.

  3. The discovery channel is very informative. I watch it regularly and i too will watch this show on discovery. I am waiting for 15 october.

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