Hacked Gadgets Workbench Contest – three days left to enter

Entry 16


These are entries 16 through 25 of the Hacked Gadgets Workbench Contest. There is only 3 days left to get something in! Seeing all of the different workbench configurations is fantastic, next time I need to reconfigure I will know exactly what I need to do. 🙂 It is very interesting to see that space doesn’t seem to be a limiting factor when setting up a work space.

Post your entry here, or just get lots of Workbench ideas.
Read more about the contest here.

Entry 17

Entry 18

Entry 19

Entry 20

Entry 21

Entry 22

Entry 23

Entry 24

Entry 25


  1. in the Entry 18 in crt monitor i see symentec ghost recovery
    if someone knows how to make ghost recovery please contact me
    skype m_ghv_geo

  2. Give 22 the prize INSTANT win for having a ferret to do all the work for him/her ^_^
    ferrets are to awesome and cute

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