November 6, 2008

Learning to ride a Self Balancing Unicycle

  In this video David Martschinske learns how to ride the Self Balancing Unicycle. You might remember when this product was introduced. When are we going to see these everywhere? They are going to make an initial run of 10 for $1500 so if you want one you better act fast. "The SBU is an electric self-balancing unicycle. It controls the forward and backward balance while the rider balances left

Headless Computer Display - using PIC18F4550

  Without a monitor and keyboard it can be hard to see what is going on with a computer system. You can remote in from another computer on the network. This small device allows you to monitor and control you system without booting up any other computers. 🙂 "I have a Mini-ITX server that runs my website, runs my weather station, and acts as a home file server. This server