November 12, 2008

Flat Bulb - Why are bulbs round?

  This Flat Bulb an interesting bulb design. It seems like when something revolutionary is developed future designs tend to be very similar. Is there a good reason for light bulbs to be round? "flat bulb is designed by korean designer joonhuyn kim. unlike ordinary bulbs its volume is 1/3 smaller, reducing the cost of packaging and transport. its slim shape allows bulbs to be easily stacked and prevents breakage - FreeBasic Parallel Port to LCD Display

  Eric (Turd) from the Hacked Gadgets Forum has shared a project that he has been working on. He has made a FreeBasic program that interfaced to a custom circuit board that he designed and built. This will allow a computer to control an LCD display. This gives you lots of possibilities such as having a temperature monitor or CPU usage display for easy viewing. All the code and schematics