Open Stepper Project


Carl Erickson from Phenostream has built a very small yet very smart stepper motor. Many of them can be controlled via a daisy chained serial connection which could make it simple to interface with complex projects. This car project is a cool example of the possibilities.

"The OpenStepper Module (OSM) is comprised of a GSM_01 and the OpenStepper circuit board. OSM firmware is based on Mike Thompson’s popular OpenServo project which Jay Ragsdale was kind enough to port to the ATtiny84."



  1. looks like someone was working in sketchup

  2. Ahh man, I ported the damn firmware. Oh well. Its a neat little toy, and you should all buy one. Code is hosted over on CVS.
    As a amendment, it uses daisy chained I2C connection, not RS232 or similar.
    Cheers, whiny OpenServo maintainer.

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