December 10, 2008

How To Connect a Wiimote to your computer using Bluetooth

  Luke (The Uber Maker) had written a good article that goes through the basics of connecting a Wiimote to a computer so that you can capture the data from the Wiimote buttons and movement so that it can be used as desired on your computer. "Most people don’t know that the Wiimote communicates with the Wii via a Bluetooth wireless link. The Bluetooth controller is a Broadcom 2042 chip,

dsPIC 30F6012 based Laser Light Show Controller

  Mark Csele has built a Laser Light Show Controller based on the dsPIC 30F6012 microcontroller. There is a good operational description that could spark some of your own project ideas.   "In a basic light show, a beam from a laser is deflected by two galvanometer scanner heads, each of which moves a mirror to steer the beam in the horizontal and vertical direction independently. Given the high speeds