LCD Servo Robot Head


Chris Carpenter is building a cool robot head, it looks up at you when you need to enter commands since the commands are displayed on the LCD screen which is mounted on the front of the head. The servo movements all look nice and smooth, there is also a servo under the large board which is controlling the right and left movement of the head. Some of the electronics include a PicAxe microcontroller, motor driver, servo driver, radio control receiver and 8 EPROMs.

Chris has added a new tilt mechanism to his robots which allows it to turn 360 degrees. It is amazing how Chris constantly finds ways to improve his robot. It wouldn’t come as a surprise if Chris were to program Walter to play poker online and display the results on his LCD screen.


  1. Really coool but i think something to be done would be figuring out how to improove the movements. It looks like it’s a problem wit the servos.
    And those must be really strong to cary all that weight.

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