Apple iPhone App developed by Father and Son Team


Next time you have a great idea for the next big iPhone game you might be able to have Ding Wen develop it in his free time between homework and bedtime. This is a great story of a father and some team who wrote Doodle Kids, a free artistic app for children. If you are thinking that the father is just looking for publicity you may think again when you learn that Ding has been programming since he was 7 years old. His languages of choice are ActionScript and JavaScript, but he also can code in Applesoft BASIC, GSoft BASIC, Complete Pascal, Orca/Pascal and a little Objective-C.

Via: Wired

"Upon opening, the user is presented simply with a black screen. When you touch it – a shape appears and as you drag your finger along the screen it draws a line of that shape in different colors. To change the shape you lift your finger, and re-touch the screen. Multitouch will also change the screen color, and while there is no built in functionality for saving the images you can take a screen shot using the iPhone built-in screen capture function (holding down the home button, and pressing the sleep button)."


  1. what’s that I smell Ethan? I know, jealousy. The kid can program in more languages than steve jobs, i think he deserves a little frickin’ credit…

    I actually read about this a couple of days ago and thought it was pretty cool. Apparently, the dad is a progger too and they sit down in the evening and see who’s apps have sold more in the Apple app store.

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