April 10, 2009

Levi's 3rd Annual Powersliding Competition

  When times are tough it is nice when there’s a cool event that can be taken in for free. The Levi’s 3rd Annual Powersliding Competition will be held Wednesday April 15th from 3-5pm at the Santa Monica Pier. If you are close to the area you should check it out, it’s sure to be a good time. There will be lots of crazy sliding and music by Matt and

CNC Sewing Machine

  Does your wife not care about your electronic and computer hobby? While she isn’t looking borrow her sewing machine and connect it to your CNC machine to impress her with patterns that she only wishes she could pull off! I wonder if jinghamjr ever gave the sewing machine back?  

Stepper Motor Controller from used Computer Equipment

  We all need some inspiration from time to time. Andrew is a 13 year old from Canada who is doing some electronic experimenting. He built this stepper motor controller and single axis CNC machine from recycled parts from old computer equipment. Looks like he loves hot glue as much as I do. 🙂 All he needs now is a few more scanners to make his single axis CNC machine