CATaLOG – RFID Cat Tracking Project


The world is a big place and we often see similar projects come up. This RFID Cat Tracking Project called CATaLOG (get it 🙂 ) is very similar to the RFID cat tracking project that we saw recently. You can now track real time activities of two households of cats on the internet using Twitter! To see the Twitter results for Bobbin and Tuffin go here, for the simply status have a look at this page.

"The CATaLOG project aims to track our two cats Bobbin and Tuffin as they go in and out of the house so we can see which cat spends more time outside, what their favourite time to go out is, and also get sent SMS messages if a cat goes missing for a certain amount of time. "


  1. LOL “PUNiest hack” This is a pet lovers must have! Is that a usb transfer of ethernet? hard to tell from the shot angle.

  2. It’s ethernet (Arduino Ether Shield)

  3. tracking the coming and going of your cats ? OMG, it’s now official, Twitter truly is mundane blogging taken a new, boring level. Yikes, worried for you.

  4. Pondering an indoor version with rfid readers throughout the house 😀

  5. That would be cool. You could set some up at doorways to rooms and by the water dish etc… Sounds like a fun project.

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