June 2009

Autotank - Autonomous Tank using Infrared, Ultrasonic and a Webcam.

  What do you get when you take a tank and stick a ton of sensors on it? You get a cool Georgia Tech Senior Design Project called AutoTank. Can’t wait to see what other projects Nate Klein, An Duong, Chris Gurley and Wink Barnes come up with. Via: Embedded Projects "Fully autonomous vehicles will soon be at the front lines, both on the battle field and search-and-rescue missions. These

Inside a Mechanical Singing Bird Box

  This Mechanical Singing Bird Box is a work of art. The mechanism is very intricate and the bird motions are in perfect time with the song that it sings. Via: The Automata / Automaton Blog via 100-blogs-to-inspire-the-creative-genius-inside-you