Light Bulb Aquarium


You are looking at the first step of making a Light Bulb Aquarium. You need to gut a normal light bulb taking care to keep all of your fingers attached. Have a look at the full article to see the remainder of the steps to install this into a lamp stand to create a cool conversation piece.

Thanks for the tip Andrew.

"The first test with a filled bulb was….horrifying. Apparently the pump is made for a much larger fishbowl (go figure). When I turned on the pump, bubbles violently filled the bulb with foam, and nearly all the water ended up on the basement floor. A knot in the tubing. It worked wonders, I wish I had a picture of the overly simplistic approach, but camera batteries only last so long."


  1. Where does the fish go?

    This is not a fish-friendly environment!

  2. Sounds like absolutely a good idea, but making light bulb aquarium is at own risk.I appreciate your unique idea on making light bulb aquarium.

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