July 2009

Arch Ball Clock

  DIY Clocks are great since there is an inherent motion element. Most of the clocks that we use are very boring but that doesn’t have to be the case, have a look at this Arch Ball Clock for example. It tells the time in a very interesting way. Code and plans are available so that you can make your own, you could also purchase a kit from Nuts and

Spinning LED Display using Fan Motor

  Csaba Bleuer has completed version 2 of his spinning LED display. Here is what version 1 of the spinning LED display looked like. "Improvements are: The rotation speed is 25/s instead of 7/s like in the earlier version, thanks to a cooling fan motor, which can give about 10W power and enough torque at 1800rpm. Also the power supplying is changed for the rotating part. It gets negative through

XBox 360 Laptop Version 5

  Ben Heck has just finished his latest hack which is version 5 of the XBox 360 Laptop. This time it looks even more polished than the previous versions. Unfortunately the laptop is spoken for so if you want one of these special units you may have to shell out some big bucks. Via: Techeblog “A few months ago I announced that I would be building a few more Xbox

Make your own Fireworks

  Fireworks are lots of fun and around this time of year there are in abundance. Instead of purchasing them next time why not try your hand at making some fireworks yourself. It goes without saying that fireworks are very dangerous and great precaution must be taken if you decide to roll your own. If you are going to make your own fireworks you might want to build your own

Automatic Cat Food Dispenser

  This is a very cool Automatic Cat Food Dispenser project. Who wouldn’t want to feed their cats automatically. The project could have stopped at about 10 percent of where it is at and still accomplished the goal of automatic feeding but that would be no fun. If the project is worth doing it is worth over doing, and this is exactly what happened here. Andres Leon built this automatic

Name the Thing Contest - 94

The prize this week is a loupe magnifier. This contest will run for one week (July 4 – 9, 2009) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done with it. Please do not give the answer in the comments.  Send an email to contest @ hackedgadgets.com with "Name the Thing Contest" as the

Human Camcorder

  Who says our youth are out of shape because of all the video game playing they do? These guys were probably influenced by a video game but have probably taken it a bit farther than is healthy. With a camcorder strapped to his head the guy does some Spider-Man like moves. I don’t see any camera trickery but who knows…