October 2, 2009

Surface Mount LED Array

  I shudder at the thought of soldering up this Surface Mount LED Array from bear24rw. Have a look at the build, the circuit board was designed and etched by hand and the picture documentation is very good. These are the same guys that made the RFID Doorm Room Unlocker. Thanks Max. "The driver we choose to design was highly inspired from this one. The basic idea is that you

555 Timer based Servo Tester

  Gadget Gangster has a new project called the Simple Servo Tester. It allows you to plug in up to two servo motors and test them with a simply turn of a dial. You can purchase the project in kit for here if you are interested in adding this to your test equipment. "A little bigger than a postage stamp, the Simple Servo Tester lets you control two digital or