December 3, 2009

Eye Tracking Micro Display

In the latest AV Technology magazine there is a great article about the latest technology in eye tracking and micro displays. Fraunhofer is developing some interesting technology that we are sure to see incorporated into all of our gadgets in the next 5 or 10 years. Subscribing to the AV Technology magazine is free as long as you are in the USA. Hacked Gadgets does receive a small payment for

Makerbot Industries - Bre Pettis Interview

Bre Pettis of Makerbot Industries is making the interview rounds. The Cupcake CNC will soon be able to print objects in clear plastics. Currently you are limited to black or white. Congrats on the success Bre! “Their company, MakerBot Industries, has shipped 350 of the $750 kits so far. They hired two employees, started paying themselves, and are building another 150 kits for their next shipment.”

Inside a Flashing RGB LED

I have always been interested in how things work. You might remember when we cracked opened up a power regulator, unfortunately my camera didn’t have a good macro feature back then so the very fine wires that connect the silicone to the external posts can’t be seen very well. It’s amazing how small the internal wires are! This time we will crack open a RGB LED. In the video above