Twitter Christmas Tree


Have a happy tech Christmas! Of course it wouldn’t be complete without a tech tree. Our friend Ian from Dangerous Prototypes has made one cool tree. You send the tree instructions using Twitter and it will light up accordingly. Ian is using his $35 Web Platform kit and a Macetech ShiftBright module to do the dirty work.

You can see the live U-Stream video of the tree here. When you are done with the tree you can sit back and enjoy some more simulated Christmas, by watching the burning Yule Log.

Using it:

To choose the color of our tree, just send a color to @tweet_tree on Twitter.

@tweet_tree red, green, purple, green, p, g, r, b

@tweet_tree understands red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Send one color, or combination of colors to morph through. Separate multiple colors with a comma. Only the first letter of the color matters, r,o,y,g,b, & p, are acceptable color commands.

@tweet_tree red, *ff0000, green, *00ff00, blue, *0000ff

You can also blend custom colors using 24bit hexadecimal color codes. Here’s a color picking tool to help you choose values. Send the value as *rrggbb, where rr=red, gg=green, and bb=blue. We used the * designator because the more common # is already used for Twitter hash tags.”


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