January 8, 2010

Bumble B Assembly

We mentioned before that Fletchtronics will be building a bunch of Bumble Bs and sharing the process with us. Well the creation of the devices are done and the videos are finished. Watch them for some tiny surface mount techniques. I haven’t played with a Bumble B before but we have featured a project that was built with the $17 controller. What is a Bumble B you may ask, here

NIXIE Clock Multimeter

This NIXIE Clock Multimeter that Flickr member Shklaw looks fantastic. I think it’s because both components are retro. We have the old world NIXIE tubes stuffed into an old multimeter housing! It is based on the NIXI clocks from this site. “These nixie tubes are NL-5440A’s. The banana sockets were replaced with switches to set the hours and minutes. When the rotary switch on the left is set to OP,