March 2010

Pain Toy

When you think of toys normally you think of something that is fun and pleasurable. Well this toy by Harcos Labs is anything but pleasurable! It senses your brain waves using a Mindflex brainwave reader and if you are caught thinking hard about something…. ZAPPPPP, you get an electric shock. I think I need a reverse model of this to keep my productivity up all day, just think about the

Portable Full Colour Laser

Carl has built some lasers that have been featured here in the past. Well he has sent in his latest creation. It is a small metal box filled with a microcontroller driven array of lasers! Thanks Carl. “My latest work using three lasers (red, green, blu-ray) combined with optics from a HD DVD drive mounted in something called an white fusion kit. I designed a driver circuit to control the

iPhone Controlled Dalek Robot

Using a bubble bath bottle Steve from has made a cool Dalek Robot that is controlled using an iPhone (or iPod Touch). “The ipod sends out OSC signals over WiFi to processing which then talks over serial to my Servo Board. The Dalek moves around when you tilt the ipod/iphone. I am getting the accelerometer data out for this. I also have a turret that can be rotated and

Wise Time Clock 2

If you have been looking for a minimalist case design for some of your projects have a look at the Wise Time 2 Clock. Some acrylic front and back keeps your fingers off the electronics, acts as a stand and doesn’t hide the electronics. This case was cut using a laser cutter but you can also do a nice job with a CNC machine or a bit of time and