April 6, 2010

A look inside the Apple iPad A4 Processor

Take one Apple iPad processor, some gentle abrasive action and look what you can see. The folks over at iFixit partnered with Chipworks to get a closer look inside the iPad to see what makes it tick. Turns out the iPad is basically a huge version of the iPhone 2G. The Apple A4 processor is in a POP package, this stands for package-on-package. The first package is for the microprocessor and

PC Fan Failure Alarm

If you need to monitor a fan on a piece of equipment this PC Fan Failure Alarm from PCB Heaven should fit the bill. The RPM monitor line is used to determine what the RPM of the fan is and if it falls below an adjustable threshold the alarm is tripped. Heat buildup due to a faulty fan can do some serious damage in a short time, this simple circuit