DIY Automatic Medication Dispenser


If you have lots of medications that you take this DIY Automatic Medication Dispenser by Jan Wante. There are enough compartments that you would not need to stock it very often. You would probably need to contact Jan for the code and a larger schematic since I don’t think either are posted in his article.

UPDATE: Thanks to Jan for sending in a full size schematic, it has been added below.

“The ‘machine’ has seven drums (one for each day of the week) with 4 compartments that you can fill with your medication. When filled, you put them back in the machine and connect them to it. On the front of the machine is a lcd-screen and 2 buttons. There you can set the time and date and program when you need the medication. When it is time for your medication, the machine drops the correct pills and sounds an alarm until you take the pills and push a button. After that it goes back to “sleep” until the next alarm.”
