Hacked Gadgets Quick Links


Here are a number of quick links from the email bag here at Hacked Gadgets. Thanks for sending in all your great projects and links to cool sites.

iPod Touch Internet Remote Ham Radio Station


“Using an iPod Touch as a ham radio station from anywhere in the world (via
WIFI).  Cool combination of the old school & new school.”

Thanks Victor.

NXT Rover


“The idea was to have a treaded robot that could navigate varying terrain, turn quickly and of course, climb.  Based on my experience with my other robots using the same tracks (eg UNV and DynaTrax), I found that they were not very good when it came to inclines.  I figured that the LEGO rubber wheels have great traction on most surfaces, so why not slap a set of them along with the treads.  However, this posed another challenge.  I did not want both wheel systems in contact with the ground at all times as this would make turning tougher and be redundant.”

Thanks Dave.




“The LackRack was first seen on eth0:2010 Winterlan in the no-shoe Lounge area. Its low-cost and perfect fit are great for mounting up to 8 U of 19″ hardware, such as switches (see below), or perhaps other 19″ gear. It’s very easy to assemble, and thanks to the design, they are stable enough to hold (for example) 19″ switches and you can put your bottle of Club-Mate on top! Multi-shiny LackRack can also be painted to your specific preferences and the airflow is unprecedented! “

Thanks Melvin

ThoughtLab Meeting Light Project



“Often we find ourselves so busy that we need to set a visual reminder to the team that we need to have a meeting. This is a very simple project, but we wanted it to match our funky décor as well as be functional. For this project you will need a drill, hack saw or pipe cutter, a pipe bender (if you want clean lines), and some screw drivers.”

Thanks Jared

Valentine’s Day Heart Project



Thanks for sending in these pictures of your project Artemonster!

“Works on cr2032 battery from beside. there is also micro on\off switch and PTC.
Technology is veery simple: saw generator, voltage divider with PTC, and
comparator. This makes PWM output variable from temperature.
In order to make this heart glowing, u need to warm it up in your hands. more
temperature-higher glow.
“Ko” are first letters from nickname of my girlfriend.”

Pair of Hearts Magnetic Homopolar Motor


“The movie shows two individual Hearts homopolar motors, that combine to form a single rotor. The interesting part is that I used a 10 inch bass speaker as the magnetic field, and 7 magnetic Canadian pennies as the commutator. A neodymium magnet is not required for this motor.

The homopolar motor is the simplest form of electric motor, and typically consists of a conductor rotating on a battery in a magnetic field. It works by the principle of the Lorentz force.”
Thanks Rick

Workshop 88 – Hackers in Space



“My hackerspace, Workshop 88, has just started an international near-space
balloon competition for all hackerspaces to join.  We currently have 9
participating hackerspaces, including FUBAR Labs, Makers Local 256, RPI
Electronics Club, HeatSync Labs, Baltimore Node, Entropia, Hive 76, Carbon Ion
Inc, and of course ourselves.”

Active RFID Tracking System


“I recently built an active RFID tracking system.  It makes use of mesh
networking such that only a single reader needs to be connected to a PC.
Details on putting together the hardware, along with source code for the
software is available (PHP making use of AJAX and SVG to show the tag

iPhone Controlled Labyrinth Game


Here is an iPhone/iPod touch controlled labyrinth game. Using touch OSC, a few lines of code in processing, a Serial Servo Board from www.botbuilder.co.uk and a couple of servos mounted on the game, you can use the iphone to play the game. Simply tilt the iphone in the direction you want the table to move, and the servos will move it to that position.

MIDI Exercise Bike


“Something about this bike caught my attention during the Christmas break (yes, I was getting pretty bored). The bike’s computer is connected to the rest of the bike via a jack socket. So what’s the obvious thing to do? That’s right turn it into a MIDI controller”