July 2010

Name the Thing Contest - 142

The prize this week is a MSP430 Launch Pad that we featured last month, I got the one I ordered last week and it looks great. I haven’t had any time to check it out yet but I have a few project ideas for it. This contest will run for one week (July 31 – August 6, 2010) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify

How to Replace a Capacitor

Afrotech has put together a great video that demonstrates the basics of replacing a capacitor. This is normally only important when repairing old electronics, however recently there have been many cases where faulty capacitors fail after only a few years (or less) and need to be replaced to keep the device operational. Dell is one of the computer manufacturers who had a bad issue with defective capacitors. In this case

Exploding Watermelons

This is just a fun video of some exploding watermelons, the fun starts at around the 50 second mark. Check out more electrifying elexperiments on his Youtube channel. Via: Make

3-Phase Brushless DC Motor Project

Dave has documented his ongoing 3-Phase Brushless DC Motor Project build on his David’s Electronics Test Tube Youtube Chanel. Why buy the controller when you can make it! “The final board layouts will use 28-pin DIP chips. One is programmed to control the motor speed and the other is a dashboard display of sorts. The motor controller will be completely programmable from the dashboard. It monitors the battery voltage and

Cornell's Ranger Robot Walks 23 km

Remember Big Dog? Well there is a new walking robot king in town. Cornell’s Ranger Robot has just broken the record for distance for a bipedal robot. It took over 65 thousand steps before the battery died! Thanks for the tip Paul. “It took 65,185 steps for Cornell’s 4-legged bipedal robot to walk 108.5 laps on Barton Hall’s 1/8-mile indoor track, setting a new world record for non-stop distance walked

LEGO Drum Machine

After 3 months of work Peter Cocteau has completed his LEGO Drum Machine. It is based on the LEGO NXT computer. It goes to show how much can be done with the NXT.

RGB LED VU Meter using TLC5940 LED Driver Chips

If you like to listen to music here is a way to jazz up the experience. We have all seen the boring analog VU meters on either old or high end audio equipment. Simon Inns from Waiting of Friday has rigged up a cool RGB LED VU Meter circuit that uses 3 TLC5940 LED driver chips that are bring controlled by a PIC18F2550 microcontroller. “This project creates a RGB LED