August 4, 2010

Protostack 28 Pin AVR Development Board ver 1.5

Protostack has just released a new version of their popular AVR Development Board. They have listened to user suggestions to improve the design. “All in all there are 6 changes Addition of diode to power supply block, Addition of resettable fuse to power supply block, Support for both IGO and GOI style regulators in power supply block, Size increase of IDC/Dual row section from 2×7 to 2×8 pin, Additional labels

CNC Build using 80/20 Aluminum

Frank Pirz documented the build of his CNC machine which is based these plans. It was interesting to see that the 80/20 Aluminum was cut using a simple miter saw. The electronics case is a old computer case which is exactly what I also did, purchasing a large electrical box is quite expensive and computer cases are plentiful. Unlike most things, the older the case the better since older cases

PCB Trace Antenna Design

Colin Karpfinger who brought us the Eagle PCB Design Ordering Tips last time is here with some more PCB help. This time Colin is helping us design a PCB Trace Antenna. One of these days you are going to make a product or project that needs to communicate without stringing a bunch of copper. To me antenna design is magic, some squiggles on a board talk to some squiggles on

New Electronics Podcast

If you can’t get enough information about electronics then there is a new Electronics Podcast you need to listen to. There have only been two episodes and it is so new that it is yet to be named. The show is hosted by Dave Jones of the EEVBlog and Chris Gammell of Chris Gammell’s Analog Life. You will probably remember Dave from some of his videos that we have featured

Telenoid R1 Robot

We have seen lots of creepy robots but I think the Telenoid might be at the top of the heap. Not sure about the abdomen though, I think if it had some legs and a pair of pants the creepy factor would be much lower. This is meant to be a new form of tele communication but I think when Apple gets the bugs worked out of FaceTime I would