August 2010

Telenoid R1 Robot

We have seen lots of creepy robots but I think the Telenoid might be at the top of the heap. Not sure about the abdomen though, I think if it had some legs and a pair of pants the creepy factor would be much lower. This is meant to be a new form of tele communication but I think when Apple gets the bugs worked out of FaceTime I would

Garage Door Code Opener

Mike Szczys from Jumptuck created this cool circuit a to open his garage door using a small door bell. Many of us know Mike from his work at Hack a Day. I am honored that this design was inspired by my Button Code project! His project is based around an ATtiny13 microcontroller just because that is what he had laying around. Thanks Mike. “Here’s how it works: The uC waits

Custom Programming a Nintendo Gameboy Cartridge

Gerry O’Brien has made a 5 video compilation of his experience of Custom Programming a Nintendo Gameboy Cartridge. I am so jealous of the quality of the very high quality close-up video capabilities Gerry has! This isn’t a hack for the faint of heart. “TOOLS REQUIRED: – Soldering Iron with Fine tip for SMT soldering – Magnifying Lamp (Recommended) – Fine Flux Core Solder – Solder Wick – Rosin Flux

Barnaby Jack Hack Demonstrated at Black Hat 2010 Conference

Barnaby Jack of IOActive demonstrated how to hack into an ATM machine without needing physical access to the machine. Turns out the manufacturer used their own home made encryption scheme that obviously wasn’t very secure. Once the system was comprised a new customized version of the firmware was uploaded to give the machine a jackpot mode. You might remember about 4 years ago when these same ATM manufacturers were caught