September 2010

Game Boy Advance Rapid Fire Hack

Are your hands cramping after playing your favorite game on your Game Boy Advance? Have a look at this Game Boy Advance Rapid Fire Hack by the Hackers Workbench to give your fingers a break. This circuit will simulate you tapping the B button for all you’re worth. The other nice thing about the design is since there only a few components you can just dead bug it right inside

DS1821 Thermostat

Over at Karosium there is a DIY DS1821 based Thermostat project. The code is available and I am assuming if there are some requests that the schematic will also be posted.  “After configuration for thermostat mode the center (1Wire DQ) pin becomes a thermostat output pin. Since it’s still an open collector pin it needs a pull up resistor, and since it’s still basically a 4mA GPIO a transistor at

PIC18F452 based Rover Robot called GUI Bot

Rustic Engineering has some good posts about the GUI Bot build, it’s a robot that is based on the PIC18F452 microcontroller. The robot looks great with two large drive wheels and one coaster wheel under the front. You can also find a large writeup of the project over at Lets Make Robots. “Feature List Move, turn and gyro with speed and agility; Speed up and Stop when you need; Generates

Ding Dong, you have mail

David from uC Hobby had a wireless doorbell but the remote was lost, instead of tossing it in the garbage he re-purposed it. By adding a few components to allow a small signal to activate the chime coil this can now be used by almost anything electronic as a cool indication. I would have used it to ding dong when I had a new email but David decided to hook

Single String Servo Guitar

Keith Baxter from the The Milwaukee Servoelectric Guitar Project sent in the cool progress he is making on the Single String Servo Guitar project. You probably remember Keith from the original Servo Guitar that we featured last year. There is something haunting and pleasant sounding with this new single string guitar, I wonder if Keith could rig something up so that it could pick the string and control the servo

Name the Thing Contest - 150

The prize this week is a multi tool, perfect for opening things that were not designed to be opened. This contest will run for one week (Sept 25 – October 1, 2010) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done with it. Please do not give the answer in the comments. Send an

Motoduino - DIY Motorcycle Computer

Check out this sweet motorcycle GPS and temperature display that came out of HeatSync Labs (cool name by the way). Nice thing about the system is that it could be modified to monitor all sorts of motorcycle sensors. Via: Adafruit “The components used include these: Arduino Duemilanove Adafruit GPS logger shield kit USGlobalSat GPS Module Standard LCD 20×4 Breadboard Power Supply Polycarbonate Electronics Enclosure“