So you have probably heard all about the Open Hardware Summit which is being held in New York on September 23rd. If not you should click here to read what it’s all about. Hacked Gadgets is one of the sponsors of the event but I will unfortunately not be able to attend, this means that I have 2 tickets for a Hacked Gadgets reader who will be in New York on Thursday and would like to catch the event.
If you would like to get one or both of the free tickets please send me an email, add a short blurb about how you could use the tickets (and if you need 1 or both). Please only send in a request for the ticket(s) if you can actually go to the event.
You can see a schedule of the event after the jump.
8:30 am Breakfast and Registration (will be provided)
9:30 am Welcome and Opening Notes
10:00 am: Limor Fried, Adafruit
10:30 am: Gerald Coley, Texas Instruments & Beagle Board
11:00 am: Bruce Perens, founder: OSI
11:30 am: John Wilbanks, Creative Commons
12:00 pm: Institutional Sprint talks
•   Amanda Mc Donald Crowley, EYEBEAM
•   Jim Barkley & Sam Sayer, MITRE: “ARx: Almost-Ready-to-Anthingâ€
•   Andy Lee, NASA: “NASA’s Open Labâ€
12:30 – 1:30 pm: Lunch (will be provided)
1:30 pm: BUSINESS: Open hardware business models
•   Moderator: Eric von Hippel, MIT Sloan School of Management
•   Chris Anderson, DIYdrones & Wired
•   Peter Semmelhack, Bug Labs
•   David Carrier, Parallax
•   Phil Torrone, Adafruit & Make
•   Massimo Banzi, Arduino
•   Bunnie Huang, Chumby
2:30 pm: PRODUCTIZING: Scaling/ Manufacturing/ Moving beyond DIY
•   Moderator: Dale Dougherty, Make
•   Eric Pan, Seeed Studio
•   Matt Peddicord, Buglabs
•   Clint Cooley, Circuit Co
•   Nathan Seidel, Sparkfun
•   Paulo Blikstein, Stanford University & GoGoBoard
•   Taylor Hokanson, DIYLILCNC
3:40 pm: LAW: Open hardware licenses and norms
•  Moderator: Dave Mellis, Arduino & MIT Media Lab
•   Windell Oskay, Evil Mad Scientist
•   Wendy Seltzer, Harvard University: Berkman Center for Internet & Society
•   Matt Stack, Liquidware
•   Michael Weinberg, Public Knowledge
•   Peter Brown, Freedom Software Foundation
•   Xavier Carcelle, OHANDA
•   you, twitter/email
4:40 pm: DESIGN sprint talks
•   Dave Vondle, IDEO: “Re-examining Design for Open-Source Hardwareâ€
•   Georgina Voss, Tinker: “To Build a (Smart) Homeâ€
•   Mike Kuniavsky, ThingM
5:20 pm: EDUCATION sprint talks
•   Leah Buechley, MIT Media Lab: “OSH in the Academyâ€
•   Dan Steingart, City College CUNY: “Ardustat:A Case Study in Open Source Hardware for Academicsâ€
•   Michael Shiloh, Teach Me to Make: “Highly Learnable Open Hardwareâ€
•   6:00-6:30 pm: Ayah Bdeir, Creative Commons & littleBits: Introduction of definition 1.0 and signing
•   6:30-7:30 pm: Cocktail Hour