Voltaic had a booth at CES 2011 with all of their cool gear on display. If you are always on the go keeping your devices charged is always a challenge. Voltaic has a number of solutions to this issue. Regardless if you need to keep your laptop going in the middle of nowhere or your iPhone battery is always getting sucked dry before the end of the day. The panels are very strong, they are designed to take a beating since they have a solid section of aluminum built into them. Many people use these bags when performing outdoor sports but the solar briefcase would look right at home in the hands of a high level executive.
The flashlight is interesting, there is very heavy and solid feeling, I thought it was odd that there was no on button. After a second look through the frosted front lens I noticed what looked like a small tactile switch. Sure enough, when the lens was pressed the light turned on. The flashlight also has a dim red glow when it is plugged into the solar panel so you know it is charging.
I thing my next laptop case will definitely have to be the solar powered briefcase!
See more pictures of the Voltaic solar gear after the jump.