August 12, 2011

Hack your Apple TV to Play HTML 5 Games

This would be a good time to hack your Apple TV to use the Couch Surfer Browser since you will then be able to make your Apple TV play HTML 5 Games! Please note that you will need to jailbreak your Apple TV first. Via: Slashgear and TUAW “A hacker installed the Couch Surfer browser on a jailbroken Apple TV and was able to demonstrate an HTML5-based game, Casino BlackJack.

LVL1 Hackerspace builds a Fire Breathing Pony

We have seen quite a few Nintendo Nunchuck hacks. The Nunchuck is a great piece of hardware for hackers since it packs lots of great sensors and switches in a nice looking, functional package and best of all they are cheap! The LVL1 Hackerspace decided to use a Nunchuck in a Fire Breathing Pony project that they brought to Maker Faire Detroit. There isn’t much details on the build yet