BLINKY – Pinhole Camera Kit


If you are a camera geek wouldn’t it be cool to say that you have built your own camera? The BLINKY Pinhole Camer Kit might be just the thing for you. The kit looks like lots of fun to build but don’t expect this camera to replace your existing DSLR. As you can see below the picture quality is what you would expect from a camera you build yourself in a few minutes on your coffee table. This version uses 35mm film, I think the digital version will be available next year. 🙂

Via: Make

“We are Liv and Léa. We are from the UK and France. We met while both on exchange at HDK, Göteborg, studying Design.

We have put a lot of effort in creating Blinky, our first collaborative project together. It’s been a lot of fun designing a ’ build it yourself ’ camera, and now we both know a little more about how they work too.”