January 28, 2012

Clever Clapper uses Claps and Laser Beams to control the Lights

  Who says The Clapper is old technology? Pete Mills blows off the dust from the vintage tech and breaths new life into the idea. The new Clever Clapper uses Claps and Laser Beams to control the Lights!  “In my version of the clapper if you clap twice within one second, the circuit toggles the lamp output.  On becomes off and vice versa. If you clap three times within one

Sound Responsive Dress

  Check out this Sound Responsive Dress which listens to the singers voice and adjusts accordingly. In the picture below you can see the electronics that run the dress mounted to the wall. Thanks to Mitch for sending this in. “It’s a sound-responsive dress that uses Processing (heavily using the Minim code library) and Arduino to map the singer’s voice onto an array of spinning strings. The strings, in turn,