January 31, 2012

Nixie Tube IN-18 Tester

  Who would have thought that in 2012 we would have a need for Nixie tube testers since this was a technology that was only developed and used because things like LEDs didn’t exist. Since the technology is so cool it has remained as a technology that is used in some DIY kits and projects. Thanks for sharing this with us Vassilis. “A simple device for testing and/or healing Nixie

Xbox 360 / PC Arcade Joystick Build

  There is something special about playing a real stand up video game compared to playing one with a handheld controller. Aaron (x2Jiggy) has made a controller that interfaces buttons to a handheld controller to bring that special feeling to the home.  “The method involves soldering wires to the button contacts on the XBox controllers circuit board, using these connections we can activate the controllers inputs using our arcade hardware.