March 2012

Hair Band with LEDs and an Arduino

  Becky Stern from Make magazine shows us how to make a cool hair band with LED lights. If you want to get this hair band for yourself then you can make one by watching this amazing video and follow the steps! “Build a pulse-sensing headband that flashes a heart-shaped LED display to the beating of your heart! Uses a scratchbuilt perfboard Arduino build from Mintduino parts, the Open Heart

Transforming a Hg Lamp into a powerful UV Light Source

  Giorgos Lazaridis from PCBheaven has transformed a discharge mercury gas lamp from his workshop into a powerful UV light source. A UV lamp usually generates UV radiations that cause the internal coating of the surface to glow and produce light. If you have any discharge mercury gas lamp out there in your storage room don’t throw it in the garbage since you can follow Giorgos’s steps for changing it into

Identifying Resistor Values using iPhone’s Camera

  Are you  color blind? Then it would be hard for you to recognize the resistor value while working on projects. Rich Olsan from nothinglabs developed a cool iPhone application for you guys which helps identifying the resistor values through its camera. All you need to do is install application on your iPhone and follow these steps. “Using resistor ID is easy: 1. Take a photo of a 4-band resistor