July 2012

Harford Hackerspace Telepresence Zen Garden using a Bullduino

  The guys over at the Harford Hackerspace made this great Telepresence Zen Garden using a Bullduino. The machine is very creative but the video of the project is equally as creative! The project was made with the help of laser cut parts, 3D printed parts and a bunch of common off the shelf parts. This is a great example of a build that would have been very difficult to

Dynamo Robot made from a hacked Servo Motor doesn't need any Batteries

  If your first remote control car was like mine it has a single button on it. The car would drive straight forward and reverse and turn when the button was pressed. It was a simple and effective design. This Dynamo Robot uses a similar method of steering. Best of all no batteries are needed! The power to drive the toy forward and in reverse comes from a hacked servo

LED Fireworks

  Happy Canada Day! Here is a cool LED Fireworks project by Instructables user vahid_you2004. The circuit is sort of like a bunch of LED Throwies except the LEDs are being powered from capacitors instead of coin cell batteries. “I decided to simulate fireworks with LEDs and made a machine that makes LED fireworks. It works simple, there are a lot of LEDs that everyone is connected to a capacitor with a resistor,