August 2012

ECE4760 Microcontroller Lectures Posted Online

  If you want to learn about microcontrollers in a classroom setting but don’t have the time (or money) to attend university lectures you are in luck. Bruce Land who teaches the popular ECE4760 Microcontrolle course has just posted the lecture videos online. This means you can get the benefit of this great Cornell course from the convenience of your own home and it will not cost you a cent.

RC Car Automation

  Jon Bennett from has just completed his latest creation. He purchased a cheap $9 remote control car, added a bit of electronics and now has a car that allows complete control using an Arduino. He has PWM control over the motors to give the car some refined control. All of the code has been made available so you could make your own.  

  Who said you need to upgrade your motherboard to get USB? Just buy this $100 adapter and magically upgrade your parallel port to USB. I wonder if it has drivers for the Windows 95 you have on the computer though. I guess another option would be to just purchase a used computer that has USB and 10 times the computing power for about half the price of the adapter.

Nøkken 3 ROV - Underwater Exploration Vehicle

  I enjoy fishing and try to get out at least 2 or 3 times a year. Sometimes the fish are biting like crazy but other times they are just not very active. I think with a Underwater Exploration Vehicle like the Nøkken 3 ROV the fishing experience would be totally changed. I can imagine scouting the bottom of the river looking for the best spot and it would be

Tour of Bunnie Huang's Workshop

  Ian gives us an inside look at Bunnie Huang’s Workshop. I couldn’t quite figure out the voice at the beginning and the end until Chris Gammell ran the credits (I am very sure it’s him). Bunnie sure has some cool tools, he has just picked up some equipment to allow him to reball BGAs, that can’t be easy…  I was surprised to hear that he doesn’t haggle very much,

Voltmeter Clock that also displays Temperature

     IronJungle was inspired by my Multimeter Clock when he built his Voltmeter Clock that also displays Temperature. He used a PicAxe as the microcontroller and has interfaced to a DS1307 Real Time Clock and a DS18B20 Temperature Sensor. Three trim pots were used to adjust the meters to full scale in setup mode.    

Lite Brite LED Clock

  You probably remember those fun Light Bright boxes that were so much fun to play with. This one looks a lot different than the plain white wedge that I had when I was young, but the concept is the same. Over at Mean PC you can see how a simple  Lite Brite was turned into a Lite Brite  LED Clock. You can see the numerous build videos that take