Thanks to Alexandre for sending in his latest project, it is a DIY Quadcopter that is powered by an Arduino Pro Mini Module. He took out the original control electronics and did a brain transplant with a Arduino Pro Mini Module and a ton of sensors. Looks like it can fly very nicely, his next goal is to upgrade the microcontroller to an ARM7 stm32F103 (PDF) for more computing power!
“The various modules are soldered on a prototyping board. The unit is a bit heavy but the aircraft take off anyway.
Arduino pro mini module 16Mhz is used as the micro-controller. The voltage regulator is not used because the 3.7V lipo battery is connected directly above through capacitors to stabilize it. The motors are brushed type and are controlled by PWM (256 levels of accuracy) by SI2302 MOSFET which I added diodes. Two modules are used as sensors, MPU6050 (accelerometer / gyroscope) and HMC5883L (magnetometer).”