July 17, 2013

Hackaday For Sale

  Hackaday is for sale. Jason Calacanis currently owns the site and wants $500,000 for it. In his post about the sale he talks about how he removed it from the Weblogs Inc sale which is why he still owns it. It currently makes about $14k per month in revenue so if you have some extra cash in your pocket this might be a good investment. If you would like

Worms with Heads Cut Off grow New Head and Remember the Past

    There are lots of crazy things in nature that are unbelievable. You have probably read about starfish being able to regenerate lost arms or how frogs can freeze solid for months with no heart beat and thaw out and be good as new in the summer. Many species of worms also have the ability to regrow chopped off sections of their body including internal organs, see the video