July 2013

High Speed Low Cost Pick and Place Robot Build

  Marcelino Fort Garcia from Tbi Robotics in Barcelona is producing a high speed low cost pick and place robot. He has made lots of videos demonstrating how he has got to this point. The full code is also available free for everyone to play around with also. He will be updating the blog with new sections as he continues to develop the system. I am looking forward to seeing

How did this Nail Get in the Wood

  Before you watch the video below have a close look at the picture above and guess how this was done. There are 3 slots cut into a piece of wood, there is a real solid nail placed in the wood. Each section of wood including the outer sections are solid (just as it looks). You would not be able to remove the nail by sliding it. This was a

Name the Thing Contest – 232

  The prize this week is an Arduino Mini Clone. This contest will run for one week (July 6 – 12, 2013). Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item above and what it can be used for. Please note the image above is a side view of the thing. Please do not give the answer in the comments. Send an email to contest @

3D Printed Bike Part

  Rich Olson was needing a new shifter for his bike, instead of heading down to the bike shop to buy one he just fired up the 3D printer and printed up a new one. It is a friction based shifter which I remember having and preferring more than the click shifters you tend to see these days. With a friction shifter you simply move it to the position you

Nerf Vulcan Sentry Gun

   Using some guidance from this page, BrittLiv has built one great looking Nerf Vulcan Sentry Gun! The spring has been swapped out to allow for more powerful and higher speed dart. The targeting looks like  it is fun since it will track people and actively fire on them unless they are wearing the Instructables logo on their shirt!  

Body Heat Powered Flashlight

  We have seen all sorts of flashlights that don’t need batteries, the first style I remember was the squeeze generator type. Then the shake flashlight seemed to be all the rage, they were so popular that there were even a bunch of fake battery operated ones sold. The one thing I have never seen before was a hand heat powered flashlight. Anne, who is a 15 year old from

Old Apple Keyboard Hacks

    Got a cool new project that you would love to use an old Apple IIe keyboard on? Or how about an Apple IIe computer that you want to use a USB keyboard on? If you have some frankenstien ideas like this Charles Mangin has just the thing for you. His RetroConnector keyboard interface for Apple IIe will let you use your USB keyboard by plugging an adapter board