100 Year Motor Christmas Tree Decoration

  This spinning motor makes for a great Christmas tree decoration, best of all it doesn’t need to be plugged in. The creator is hoping for a 100 year run time! Not sure if it will last that long since most batteries have an internal discharge rate that will kill it in a handful of years without powering anything but this motor is running from home made Crystal Cells. The

Microcontroller based Useless Machine

     We have seen a bunch of useless machines in the past but this Microcontroller based Useless Machine is a lot more fun since unlike the original versions there are almost endless possibilities on what will happen when the switch is toggled. Rest assured the machine will turn it off, but how it will go about doing it will chance every time! With the clicks and knocks as it

Micro Current Gold Kickstarter

  The µCurrent GOLD – Precision Multimeter Current Adapter Kickstarter by our friend Dave Jones form the EEVBlog is in full swing. This is a big upgrade from the previous µCurrent that Dave was selling. The price is more than before but on a previous episode of The Amp Hour Dave was talking about some of the precision resistors that were needed for the Gold version. If I recall correctly

Hacked Gadgets 2013 Holiday Comment Contest

  The new year is just around the corner, how would you like some cool swag from Hacked Gadgets to kick it off? There will be 4 winners this time around. We will be giving away a cool binary watch to a lucky winner, two subscriptions to Nuts and Volts will be going to two more winners, and finally an Arduino Pro Mini will be given to the 4th winner.

Christmas Light Project made using an Arduino

  In this project by Ben Harben an Arduino monitors some motion sensors which will activate as people walk by some trees on the sidewalk. The Arduino plays a tune using the Wave Shield and lights the appropriate tree using a power switch tail. It looks and works great, hopefully there aren’t any mischievous kids in the area who want some free electronic parts!    

Steam Punk Arm

  If you have a Christmas costume party to go to this Steam Punk Arm by William Jakespeare might be a fun costume to build. Some silver and black paint makes some plumbing parts instantly look very steam punk. You don’t need a ton of parts of tools to make it.  

Bench Power Supply Feature Hack

  Ian Johnston hacked his CSI3003X5 Bench Power Supply to provide for a useful feature that he wanted. The stock system has a up/down push button that adjusts the max current when the power supply is in constant current mode. That is all well and good but there is no indication what you have it set to as you happily click away on the buttons. Of course you could put a