January 31, 2014

DIY Lab Power Supply

  Kerry Wong had a few huge heat sink kicking around, instead of selling them for scrap aluminum he decided to build some useful lab equipment. The first one went into the DIY Electronic Load and the second was used in his DIY Lab Power Supply. DIY Lab Power Supply Build Details 1 DIY Lab Power Supply Build Details 2 DIY Lab Power Supply Build Details 3  “The voltage/current setting

Use an LED as a Sensors

  Michael Beyhs has a new site called Electrical Engineering and More, his first project shows us how to Use an LED as a Sensor. LEDs are normally used to produce light but like many other electrical items it works a bit in the other direction, meaning that it will produce a small voltage when you shine light into it. “How the code works: Configure all analog inputs to outputs

Ammo Box Stereo

  When you take your portable radio to the beach are you always making sure nothing rubs against it so you keep the finish scratch free. If the kids are playing close to it you make sure they don’t have anything more dangerous than a rubber ducky since you know it will end up falling on your shiny radio.  The Ammo Box Stereo by Noah Farrington is the solution to