January 2015

KeySweeper - Microsoft Wireless Keyboard Sniffer

  Wireless devices are convenient but must be used with caution. Samy Kamkar shows us how a simple wireless keyboard can be giving away your secrets. He built this KeySweeper, it is a Microsoft Wireless Keyboard Sniffer that is built into a innocent looking USB wall charger. Via: The Hacker News “KeySweeper is a stealthy Arduino-based device, camouflaged as a functioning USB wall charger, that wirelessly and passively sniffs, decrypts,

Kraftwerk Fuel Cell

    With portable electronics sucking all of your battery packs dry wouldn’t it be nice to have something that doesn’t take many hours to charge up? That is where the Kraftwerk Fuel Cell comes in. Fill it up with some off the shelf camping or lighter fuel in about 3 seconds. This isn’t a quick and dirty project, it has been in development for 7 years and it has

DIY Dynamic Electronic Load

  Jay_Diddy_B, a contributor on the EEVblog Forum built a great looking DIY Dynamic Electronic Load. He used LT Spice to model the design before it was built, the test result look quite good. Nice thing about the design is that there are no specialty parts, chances are you have most of the things on hand to get building right now. “The dynamic load steps the load current so that the transient

GIANT Flip-Dot Display

  Check out this GIANT Flip-Dot Display that is certainly not coming to a store near you. The ooVoo isn’t selling displays, rather they wanted something in their booth to set them apart from the other high pixel count displays. Sometimes going mono color and low res pays off! The resolution is only 588×126 but when you consider that these are 74,088 mechanical pixels that make up the display that

Name the Thing Contest – 266

    The prize this week is a wireless transmitter for your next project. This contest will run for one week (Jan 17- 23, 2015). Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item above and what it can be used for. Don’t need a make or model, just what what the thing is used for. Please do not give the answer in the comments. Send

Raspberry Pi Controlling an HCCI Engine

    This HCCI Engine Controlling Raspberry Pi setup reads in 240,000 samples per second. I had never heard of an Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine other than a diesel that simply compressed the air fuel mixture till combustion although I guess that is what some of those cars from the 80 were doing when they would continue to run after the key was turned off? I had always

Antarctica Arduino Instrument Cooling Project

    If you thought the Arduino was just for DIY projects have a look at this Antarctica Arduino Instrument Cooling Project. Isn’t it strange that in a place that only ever warms up to -25C that you would need to ever worry about keeping equipment cool? Well the issue is that the equipment is in an area with people and we like to have things a bit warmer than