PCB Printer

  You thought that the new ease of getting cheap prototype PCBs made from companies like Seeed was revolutionary, how about a cheap machine that can allow you to print it at home? Looks like Voltera could help speed up prototyping (at least for SMD boards). Via: Adafruit and Make   “Circuit Board Printer Print dual layer PCBs on FR4 with 10mil space/trace. Our 20mΩ/sq sheet resistance and conventional soldering

Nokia 3310 Phone Multimeter

    If you thought your old phone in your junk drawer was just good for making calls think again. Check out this Nokia 3310 Phone Multimeter that Mastro Gippo built! It does graphing of voltage and currents, has an ohmmeter and a continuity tester. There are also a ton of other fun features that should have been in place on this phone when it was originally released.   

Wavetek 1045 RF Power Meter Teardown - A Look into 80 Tech Gear

  Easiest way to take a step back in time is to crack open the top of some old tech gear. Kerry Wong got a Wavetek 1045 RF Power Meter from eBay and cracked it open. It was built in the 80’s. I love how far everything is spaced out and that it looks to be built with serviceability in mind.  Via: Dangerous Prototypes “All boards are double sided and components are mounted

Roost - Smart Battery

  Everything is getting “smarter”, how many things are now “connected”? You can add the simple 9 volt battery to the list of connected devices. The Roost is a wifi connected battery that is the same form factor as a 9 volt battery, it connects to your wifi router in your home to allow it to send out notifications. It has the ability to let you know when the battery

Beer Pong Robot

  When you have a look at this Beer Pong Robot video by Empire Robotics you can see that some cool engineering went into making this robot very accurate (or a ton of takes were taken). The green thing on the end of the arm is what Empire makes, it is an ingenious mechanism for gripping items. Via: Geeks are Sexy and Gizmodo “The core principle behind VERSABALL is the jamming phase

Name the Thing Contest – 264

  The prize this week is a wireless transmitter for your next project. This contest will run for one week (Jan 3- 9, 2015). Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item above and what it can be used for. Don’t need a make or model, just what what the thing is used for. Please do not give the answer in the comments. Send an

ABB Robotic Barista

  We have seen how impressive the ABB Robotic systems are, have a look at the latest example. Here we have a ABB Robotic Barista from Automatica 2014 Munich. The robot opens the coffee brewer, selects and inserts the coffee grounds container, positions the coffee cup, places a plate and puts the coffee cup on the plate. Finally a conveyor brings the coffee out of the protective robot enclosure to