January 2016

ESP8266 Brodcasting Analog TV while running a Web Server

    CNLohr has been playing with the inexpensive IOT device for quite a while. Check out the ESP8266 Brodcasting Analog TV while running a Web Server. Hard to believe that this small chip is only a few dollars in small quantities. If this chip is in a IOT light bulb or doorbell this thing would be seriously be underused. That would be just like using your brand new android phone to

High Voltage Person Made from Electronic Components

    Proto G made a nice soldered together figurine out of electronic components. I thought the design ended there with an interesting piece of art, but there is more. You will notice that Anthony is wearing some rubber gloves at the start of the video. The gloves are not a fashion statement but rather a safety measure (although in the video comments indicate that the gloves are not for

How Brushless DC Motor and Electronic Speed Controllers work

  GreatScott! has created a great video showing how Brushless DC Motor and Electronic Speed Controllers work. We see lots of these in quadcopters these days. The basic DC motor is popular and simple to control but as more things are using brushless motors it is nice to know how they work. “Brushless DC electric motor (BLDC motors, BL motors) also known as electronically commutated motors (ECMs, EC motors) are synchronous

Extreme Teardown of Dangerous Power Bar

  John Ward does an Extreme Teardown of Dangerous Power Bar. It is very drawn out but demonstrates how electrical equipment as simple as a power bar should not be assumed to be safe. This power bar has a lot of bogus specs on the packaging and at a glance looks to be of ok quality. As you will see looks is all it has going for it. The rest

Mythbusters Imploding Tanker Car

  Hard to believe this is the last year for Mythbusters. 🙁 Check out Mythbusters Imploding a Tanker Car. Turns out the structure is very strong as can be expected. But with a small dent in the structure it squashes like a piece of ripe fruit. We can see the same type of implosion on oil drums.  

Fluidik Glass Scale

    Fluidik is a glass scale that shows a user’s weight using fluid flowing through a graduated tube. When weight is applied on the scale surface increased weight will squish the fluid further in the tube. Via: Laughing Squid “There is a compression port and bleed valve in the front edge of the scale for calibration. The user can adjust the scale by turning the silver dial located on

Impossible Dovetail made from Metal

  At a glance this looks like it could not be possible. This is because your brain looks at this structure based on what it knows. If this were constructed with normal dovetails it would not be able to be built. As a bit of a brain teaser try to determine how this is constructed before you watch the amazing build video.