March 2016

MS-DOS Gaming Rig Selection

    If you are into retro gaming The 8-Bit Guy goes over some of your best options. He gives some valid reasons that make MS-DOS gaming the best option if you are looking to get into playing some retro games. Nice thing is the old laptops that are needed are old clunkers that are not useful for anything modern making them super cheap. You might need to look around

Keysight Half Million Dollar Scope Giveaway

  At the end of this month there will be a bunch of new Keysight Scope users out there. Keysight is giving away over half a million dollars of gear. You can enter every day if you like since they are doing a new draw every day! “Throughout Scope Month, Keysight will be giving away a 1 GHz 3000T X-Series oscilloscope every day, and every week we will draw a

Snowball Machine Gun

  If you are having issues winning snowball fights you might need a Snowball Machine Gun to even the field. Mark Rober used some tech to give him an edge. It allows him to rapid fire pre-made snowballs. Next upgrade I would like to see is a machine that can take a box of snow, form the snowball and then fire it. Something like this paper airplane maker, but for snowballs. Via:

Tesla Battery Range Extender Trailer Project

  If you are interested in DIY electric vehicle projects have a look at the jehugarcia Youtube channel. When driving around town with an electric vehicle you shouldn’t have any issues since you can always charge when you get back home at night. But what about a road trip? Electric charging stations are not plentiful like gas stations are. Jehu Garcia built a 42 kWh battery bank trailer that compliments