Joe Pitz

Hack your 2004+ Prius to allow EV Mode

Apparently Toyota omitted placing a EV push button switch on North American Prius 2004+ models. This push button, is normally pre-installed at the factory for Japan and European versions. Here is a well documented hack that shows Prius users how to install their own EV push button. It appears that placing the Prius in EV mode could, possibly, improve fuel efficiency. But the owner’s manuals of the European and Japanese

Is this real or What?

Has anyone seen this Think Geek ad? I am not sure if this is a gag or not? Think Geek Ad This device claims to have a 300 foot range and has 15 amp plugs on it. The ad does not indicate power ratings and does not provide any other technical data other than they have tested it at 300 feet (sounds fishy to me) Scientists are currently working on

Oscilloscope Tutorials

What is an oscilloscope, what can you do with it, and how does it work? For those Hacked Gadget makers who have had little experience in working with oscilloscopes and would like to learn more about them, check out these tutorial sites. Oscilloscope tutorial Oscilloscopes Use of the Oscilloscope Using an Oscilloscope Oscilloscope Tutorials

Understanding Stepper Motors

“A stepper motor is a brushless, synchronous electric motor that can divide a full rotation into a large number of steps. When commutated electronically, the motor’s position can be controlled precisely, without any feedback mechanism” (citation from Wikipedia) Any DIY Maker should understand the workings of stepper motors, Ask any Robot maker, just about any motion control a robot makes is done with stepper motors. Here are a few links

Tube Tester - Nixie Site

Above image is a B9A Nixie Tube Tester & Regenerator that tests and removed cathode poisoning. The B9A Nixie Tube tester is just one project from web site. The site is in German and English and is hosted by Dieter. This site is one of the foremost resources around for Nixie tubes, antique tube testers and Nixie tube specifications. Dieter collects data sheets of Nixie tubes from all over

Mike's Electric Stuff

This image shows a bipolar marx generator. The output is a million volts. Mike’s Electric Stuff web site contains three major sections: Antique Glass Stuff, Tesla coils and High-voltage stuff and Miscellaneous electric, science & laser stuff. This site is definitely a look but don’t touch kind of site. Please enjoy the high voltage, but do not attempt to build these devices unless you have experience working with High Voltage.

RFID Proximity Security System

Here is final project from two Cornell students who researched, designed and implemented an RFID proximity security system. They decided to build a proximity security system as their student id cards supported both magnetic strip and RFID tags. Many of the controlled areas on campus were switching to proximity entry systems. The maximum range of their proximity card reader is about 1.5 to 2.0 inches from the antenna coil. There