Crazy Hacks

High Energy Pulse Discharge Machine

Warning this project is dangerous, extreem caution must be used. Penguin’s Lab has made a simple pulse discharge machine that can produce some amaizing results. There is a schematic and many pictures of discharges in action on his sight. The coil gun is another interesting project that sounds like fun to build. “For safety’s sake, the whole setup was enclosed in a tough industrial plastic case, just in case the

5 Volt Potato Battery

Seems people are getting creative when making batteries. We aren’t seeing the typical fruit batteries that everyone has made in high school. An example of a creative battery that you might remember from a few months ago is the penny battery. Well I would have to say this potato battery is a step up in creativity. I wouldn’t have thought you could make a battery out of potatoes, but I

Hard Drive Generator

So you have already build a hard drive clock. What else could an old hard drive be good for? How about a hard drive generator? The guys at The Workshop were thinking outside of the box when they came up with this one. “Here’s an excelent way to recycle your old hard drives and have them create energy for you! This site shows how to use a bunch of old

LED Touch Sensor

What can you do with an LED? They only provide light right? Wrong! JustDIY has done some extensive testing and documentation of a phenomenon that is not very well known. LEDs can be used as an input device! “This is a collection of the work I’ve done with using the bi-directional properties of LEDs. I have also included links to information I’ve found on the subject and the project by

Mil 24 Hind Model

Not sure if I would have the effort to build a model like this! But the 15 years of work shows, the details are amazing. Many of the hand crafted parts were made under a microscope. “Fully scratch built, this model took just over 15 years (8000-10,000 hours) to complete. Begun in Kiev (Ukraine), in 1986 this masterpiece was profoundly difficult to construct due to the extreme scarcity of information

Interactive LED Dining Table

Seems to be a table theme going here. This table is sure to keep your guests entertained! I am not sure which one I like more, this one or the LED Disco Bar? If colored LEDs aren’t your thing why not have a look at a white LED table. “We made a dining table with a frosted glass top lit by 448 multicolored LEDs that respond, in a complex and

LED Disco Bar

Check out David Worden’s computer controlled Disco Bar with 128 LEDs! He used control boards from Dropout Design. “Yes, I would sell my bar. A minimum of $5,000. Yes, its a rediculously high price that no one would ever pay, but it would have to be worthwhile for me to sell it with all the work I put into it. The bar is very safe actually. I have epoxy pretty