Crazy Hacks

Big Dog by Boston Dynamics

Big Dog is fantastic looking machine being created by Boston Dynamics. DARPA is funding development of Big Dog, they have also funded development of the Tree Climbing Robot. “BigDog has an on-board computer that controls locomotion, servos the legs and handles a wide variety of sensors. BigDog’s control system manages the dynamics of its behavior to keep it balanced, steer, navigate, and regulate energetics as conditions vary. Sensors for locomotion

Home Automation to the MAX

After outgrowing the capability of his Homeseer home automation system this guy decided to build his own. The system consists of a wide variety of hardware, everything from off the shelf X10 to custom build modules. For example to monitor his electricity consumption he is counting the number of times his meter flashes in a minute. What does it monitor? The easier question is what doesn’t it monitor… Currently it

Levitating Light Bulb

A sculpture by a MIT PhD student that uses a special wirelessly powered bulb. “Lightbulb explores two phenomena I find interesting, the stabilization of unstable systems using feedback, and wireless power transmission. Feedback systems often levitate objects, stabilize inverted pendulums, and the like. Wireless power transmission has been around since Tesla’s invention a century ago, although it is still not widely utilized. I wanted to explore these effects together.” read

Ipod Case Hack

Surprisingly, after seeing this, I realized there isn’t much activity in the iPod case modding world. Probably because the iPod is small and sleek enough as it is and does not require any further case modification. Well Mr. JavaMoose on Flickr has created a case mod for his iPod by modding an old Geiger counter that will house the iPod and remote unit. It looks cool, but any transportation practicality

Tornado Attack Vehicle

What do you build before entering the center of a tornado? You build one of these hacked vehicles made from a baja racing truck. Watch his videos and the news story for more information.

CD-ROM Car Cup Holder

Who would make a car with one cup holder in the front? GM that’s who :). Well that is even an over statement since the cup holder spot is also where the ash tray goes. Here are a few easy steps to add a much needed cup holder to your vehicle. You will need a few common hand tools, a spare computer CD-ROM drive and a voltage regulator. There is